
Tours of Egypt That Include Philae Temple

tours of egypt

Classical tours should focus on the areas surrounding the capital, Cairo, with possible extensions in Luxor and Aswan. However, there are many other sites to see throughout the country. Most tours last a week or ten days. To make the most of your vacation, choose a tour that will cover as much ground as possible. For example, a Nile River cruise should take you through Aswan and Luxor, as well as to the Philae Temple in Luxor.

Luxor Nile River cruise

During your Luxor Nile River cruise, you can visit the magnificent Valley of the Kings, the oldest temples in Egypt and the Hatshepsut Temple, a fascinating funerary temple of the famous girl King Tutankhamun. Also on your tour, you can visit the Temple of Madinat Habu, an impressive special workman’s village, and the Colossi of Memnon, two enormous statues of Amenhotep III.


You may have heard about the Philae Temple, a Ptolemaic temple dedicated to the goddess Isis. It was first built in 690 BC and partially submerged by the Aswan High Dam. Today, you can still see this renowned site, but it can be a bit crowded. Luckily, there are tours that include a visit to the temple. Read on to learn more. A tour of Aswan should include this incredible ancient monument.

Nile cruise

For the ultimate relaxing holiday, consider one of the many Nile cruise tours of Egypt. These cruises are more leisurely than land travel and visit more antiquities. In addition, they offer an insider view of the countryside, where people still live in mudbrick huts, use wooden plows, and move produce by donkey. In addition, some Nile cruises also include optional excursions such as a trip to the Egyptian Museum or the Mummy Room.

Philae Temple

There are many benefits to taking an Egypt tour that includes Philae Temple. These include the opportunity to see ancient pharaohs and gods up close and personal. The temple’s multimedia presentations reveal the glory and honor of ancient Egypt. The sound and light shows will broaden your mind and bring ancient times to life. You can even visit it at night to witness its famous Sound and Light Show. Here are some of the other benefits of an Egypt tour that includes Philae Temple:


While in Cairo, there are many different ways to experience the city. You can take a Nile cruise and try a local meal. Another popular option is to visit Al-Qalaa, or the Citadel, which was built by Salah-Al-Din Al-Ayyubi in AD 1169. It contains many old monuments from Islamic times and includes sites like Joseph’s Well and Al-Gawhara Palace, a military museum from the Sadat era.

Felucca sailboat tour

If you want to experience Egypt’s ancient culture and enjoy zero-carbon travel, then a Felucca sailboat tour is the right choice for you. You will enjoy the views, tasty Egyptian cuisine, and the peaceful atmosphere of the Nile River. A Felucca sailboat tour is one of the most unique experiences you can have while exploring this incredible country. The Nile River is the lifeline for the Egyptian people.