
Tours of Egypt

tours of egypt

If you’d like to see the best of the country, there are plenty of options. You can take small group tours or opt for a VIP experience with Archaeological Paths. Your guide may be a world-renowned scholar, museum director, high-profile minister, or member of the former presidential family. Some of these tours even include multimedia lectures by Dr. Zahi Hawass. In addition to these, you may also enjoy a Nile cruise, as well as an exclusive lecture with Dr. Zahi Hawass.

920 tour companies offer trips to Egypt

If you are a solo traveler, you can try to arrange your trip independently, but it’s not always easy. Even if you speak Arabic fluently, the country is complex and negotiating each business can wear you down. Luxury travelers know better. To make your trip easy, hire a travel agent. You’ll save time and money while enjoying the trip of a lifetime. You can also take a balloon ride over the Pyramids if you’d like.

Although Egypt is a popular tourist destination, there are many reasons why it may be a little scary for first-timers. Recent terrorist attacks and government changes have prompted many to avoid visiting the country. However, tourism numbers in Egypt have been growing since 2017, and tourism could reach an all-time high in 2019 and 2020. It’s no longer a dangerous country to visit. Listed below are some of the benefits of taking an Egypt tour.

Some are small-group

If you’re interested in seeing all the major sites in Egypt, it may be better to join a small-group tour than to try to visit them on your own. Some of the country’s most famous sites are far apart and it would take a full day and night to reach them by train. Alternatively, you could take a smaller tour that includes domestic airfare. This way, you can make the most of your limited time while traveling through Egypt.

Some tours of Egypt offer small-group travel, which allows you to get to know your fellow travelers. You can ask your tour leader about the best places to visit and which parts of the country are more popular for small groups. In addition, you’ll have the benefit of an expert local guide and a small group of like-minded travelers. Small groups are also more intimate, ensuring that you’ll have an unforgettable trip.

Some include a multimedia lecture by Dr. Zahi Hawass

Some tours of Egypt include a multimedia lecture given by Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass, who spoke to an audience of over two thousand in the IndigO Theatre in London in August 2008. He has made significant contributions to the study of Ancient Egypt. He will discuss the discoveries surrounding Tutankhamun, the search for the tomb of Queen Nefertiti, and the research that has gone into the tombs of Cleopatra and Mark Antony. You can also hear about his personal experiences from decades of scientific activity.

The abrupt change of leadership in Egypt is not as dramatic as the rise and fall of ancient dynasties, but it still creates an impact. Hawass has been in charge of the country’s antiquities for nearly a decade. During Egypt’s recent cabinet reshuffle, his fate was uncertain for several days. Then, Hawass confirmed the news via e-mail.

Some include a Nile cruise

Taking a Nile cruise while visiting Egypt can be a relaxing experience, but it can also be restrictive for some travelers. Many Nile cruises start and end in Luxor or Aswan, and stop at the same sites as land-based tours. However, you can choose a Nile cruise that includes the whole country, starting and ending in the city you prefer. Depending on your preferences, there are many different Nile cruises available.

The longer routes offer more sightseeing opportunities. A seven-night cruise from Luxor to Aswan, for example, includes the same included tours and an excursion to the Temple of Khnum in Esna. Unlike shorter cruises, longer trips give you more time to explore the sites and enjoy the river. Also, you won’t be rushed, and you’ll enjoy longer cruises. This way, you’ll spend more time on land, exploring the sights and learning about the history of Egypt.