
The Best Places to Visit on Your Tours of Egypt

tours of egypt

For a better understanding of the various tours of Egypt, you should visit its most important sites and temples. We will talk about the Temple of Luxor, the Temple of Edfu, the Temple of Kom Ombo and Saqqara, and more. We will also provide you with some helpful tips on how to find the best tour companies in Egypt. Read on to find out more! In the end, you’ll have an easier time choosing the right tour for your needs.

Luxor Temple

Many travelers make it a point to visit the Luxor Temple on their tours to Egypt. This massive Ancient Egyptian temple complex, located on the east bank of the Nile River, was built around 1400 BCE. The site was also known as an ipet resyt, which means’southern sanctuary’. The site is one of the most visited sites in Egypt and a popular day trip from Cairo.

The complex was dedicated to Imn, “the hidden,” when Luxor was not a capital city. When it was, he became the national god. He was the creator, sustainer, and lord of the gods. His consort was the goddess Mut, who adopted the moon god Khonsu to complete the complex. The complex’s construction began in the year 2000 BC, and continued to expand through the 1700 years that followed. Visitors can now enter the complex through a pylon “gate” or dock.

Temple of Edfu

Among the most spectacular temples in Egypt, Edfu’s temple is dedicated to the falcon-headed god, Horus. Unlike other Egyptian temples, Edfu’s structure is well preserved. It was constructed between 237 and 57 BC, during the Ptolemaic era, which spanned from 332 to 30 BC. Its construction was characterized by classical elements, including a high temple floor and a gradual rise in the temple’s floor level. The temple also has a Nilometer and shifted the location of the sacred lake westward.

A visit to Edfu’s Temple of Horus will offer a chance to see the most preserved ancient monument in Egypt. Located between Aswan and Luxor, the temple is one of the most impressive examples of Ptolemaic architecture. It is a Ptolemaic temple, which has a roof and seamless hallways leading to the holiest sanctuaries. The temple was built much later than the New Kingdom temples in Aswan, but the architecture is exemplary of the Pharaonic period. Reliefs adorn the temple walls, depicting intriguing stories.

Temple of Kom Ombo

The Temple of Kom Ombo is an unusual double temple in the city of Upper Egypt. Built during the Ptolemaic dynasty (180–47 BC), it received additions during the Roman period. The site is worth a visit, whether you’re just visiting for a day or staying for the night. Its petroglyphs, statues, and architecture provide an unforgettable experience.

This temple is considered one of the best examples of the ancient Egyptian art. The Temple of Kom Ombo was built by Ptolemy VI Philometor, who reigned between 186 and 145 BC. The two gods that were worshiped here included Sobek, Hathor, and Khonsu. In addition to the gods, the temple was built to honor the goddess Hathor, who was worshipped at Kom Ombo.

Temple of Saqqara

The discovery of the ancient funerary temple at Saqqara in Egypt has changed the way Egypt views its history. Archaeologists discovered the temple of Queen Neit, the wife of the sixth dynasty king, Teti, which ruled Egypt from 2323 to 2150 BCE. The temple contains several artifacts, including the Book of the Dead, and burial wells dating back to this era.

The southern necropolis of Saqqara also contains many interesting monuments, including the remains of pyramids. The monuments served as a convenient source of building stone. Of particular note is the massive coffin-shaped tomb of Shepseskaf, the last pharaoh of the Fourth dynasty. Its passages are reminiscent of the pyramids of Unas.