
ausflüge ägypten

Kairo Kultur und Khan El Khalili – Landausflüge Alexandria Port    


Landausflüge Alexandria Port, hier Kairo Kultur und Khan El Khalili


ausflüge ägypten


Kairo Kultur und Khan El Khalili Kairo mit uns alleine oder mit Freunden erkunden, ist einer der interessantesten Touren mit Sempre Travel Egypt, um die berühmten Kairo Sehenswürdigkeiten während eines Zwischenstopp ihrer Kreuzfahrt im Alexandria Port zu besichtigen. Wir machen es möglich, um in lockerer Atmosphäre ohne Stress, mit einem privaten Führer, während unserer Tour Ägyptisches Museum – Zitadelle – Abu Serga – Hängende Kirche – Khan el Khalili zu besuchen


Unsere Highlights:


·          Besichtigung: die besten Sehenswürdigkeiten Kairos mit Ihrem eigenen Führer


·          Ägyptisches Museum


·          Zitadelle von Saladin


·          Abu Serga – Hängende Kirche-Altstadt Kairo


·          Khan el Khalili Basar




Schon mit der Fahrt ab dem Hafen von Alexandria werden Sie den Unterschied zum Massentourismus kennenlernen! Alleine oder mit Freunden in einer kleinen Gruppe bis zu 7 Personen werden Sie die lockere unterhaltsame Fahrt im klimatisierten Fahrzeug genießen. Wir entführen Sie in die verschiedenen Ecken Kairos : Kultur: Ägyptisches Museum – Zitadelle von Saladin – Kairo Altstadt mit Abu Serga – „Hängende Kirche“- orientalischer Flair: Khan el Khalili Basar

ausflüge ägypten


Kairo, die Weltmetropole erwartet Sie mit unserem ersten Ziel:


Ägyptisches Museum


Ägyptisches Museum Kairo: Museumsbesuch langweilig? Wir überzeugen Sie vom Gegenteil! Niemand von Ihnen wird diese monumentalen Statuen, die sich normalerweise in einem Freilichtmuseum befinden, hier erwarten. Ägyptisches Museum Kairo erwartet Sie mit den extremsten Meisterleistungen der Antike, seien es die filigranen Geschmeide der Pharaonen so wie ihre riesigen Statuen . Genießen Sie den Vorteil der privaten Führung und lassen sich unter all den abertausenden Artefakten zu den weltberühmten Sarkophag des Kind Königs Tutenchamun führen.


Wir setzen unsere Tour vom Ägyptisches Museum Kairo fort, mit der Fahrt durch Kairo Stadt. Staunen Sie wie sich der Verkehr über mehrere Spuren bis zur nächsten Sehenswürdigkeit der Kairo Zitadelle von Saladin schlängelt!


Kairo Zitadelle von Saladin – Alabaster Moschee+ 


Kairo Zitadelle von Saladin befindet sich auf eine der schönsten Höhenlagen von Kairo Stadt. Die Zitadelle von Saladin wurde als Festung auf einer Anhöhe Kairos, dem Muqattam-Plateau mit einem Blick über die Hauptstadt Ägypten erbaut und gilt als best erhaltene monumentale Festungsanlage. Sie beherbergt inmitten die Mohammed-Ali-Moschee auch Alabaster Moschee genannt, welche zwischen 1830 und 1848 fertiggestellt wurde. Auf einer Anhöhe erbaut, hat man von hier den Überblick über einen großen Teil der Stadt, bei guten Sichtverhältnissen können Sie von hier oben aus die Pyramiden von Gizeh sehen. Unterhalb der Zitadelle von Saladin liegt die schönste Grünanlage Kairos, der Al Azhar Park, mit einem nicht weniger schönen Ausblick über Kairo, den die Einwohner zu ihren Wochenend Ausflügen nutzen.


Bevor wir die Tour mit dem Besuch der Kairo Altstadt fortsetzen, servieren wir Ihnen in einer Pause ein traditionelles Mittagessen in einem örtlichen Restaurant.


Abu Serga – Hängende Kirche – Altstadt Kairo


Abu Serga und die Hängende Kirche Kairo (Al-Muallaqa) warten als Nächstes in der Altstadt Kairo auf uns. Dort im Kairo koptisches Viertel steht die wohl älteste Koptische Kirche Ägypten, die berühmte “Hangig Church“ (sie erhielt ihren Namen durch die Bauweise in der Stadtmauer) welche der Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria angehört. 


Mit der Abu Serga (Saint Sergius und Bacchus Kirche) besuchen wir als nächstes den Ort, in dem die heilige Familie auf der Flucht vor Herodes Schutz suchte. Zwischen beiden Kirchen entstanden Differenzen, nachdem der Patriarch Zeremonien in der „Hängenden Kirche“ abhielt, die vorerst in der Abu Serga abgehalten wurden. Scheuen Sie nicht unseren Ägyptologen nach Einzelheiten zu fragen!


Etwas orientalischer Flair gefällig? Wir entführen Sie in die Welt des Handel! Zum


Khan el Khalili Basar


Khan el Khalili Basar, gilt als größter Basar im Orient. Lassen die orientalische Atmosphäre des weltberühmten Khan el Khalili Basars auf sich einwirken! Hier in einem der ältesten Basare im Mittleren Osten warten orientalische Düfte, Ägyptens berühmte Öle zur Parfümherstellung, die verschiedensten Sorten Tees, Souvenirs, sowie echte orientalische Handwerkskunst auf Sie. Schlendern Sie in Ruhe durch die Gassen des Khan el Khalili Marktes bevor wir unsere Rückfahrt von unserer Kairo Kultur und Khan El Khalili – Landausflüge Alexandria Port Tour zum Hafen von Alexandria antreten.




Kairo Kultur Private Tour | Hafen von Alexandria Ausflug  


Kairo Kultur Ausflug ab Hafen von Alexandria ist eine Private Tour von Sempre Travel Egypt zu den interessantesten Kairo Sehenswürdigkeiten. 


Inklusive Leistungen auf einem Blick:


Transfer von und zu Ihrer Unterkunft


Alle Transfers mit modernen klimatisierten Fahrzeugen


Alle Sehenswürdigkeiten wie in der Reiseroute beschrieben


Alle Eintrittspreise für Besichtigungen laut Reiseroute


Professioneller Ägyptologe während der privat geführten Tour


Mittagessen während der Tour im lokalen Restaurant


Unterstützung durch Reisevertreter bei Abholung und Rückkehr


Was ist nicht in dieser Tour enthalten?                     


Persönliche Ausgaben während der Tour


Bitte mitbringen:








Bequeme Schuhe


Foto / Videokamera


Jacke im Winter


Baumwollkleidung im Sommer


Pass gültig für 6 Monate


Alles über den Ausflug :


TOUR ART: Städtetour


TOUR LÄNGE: Tagesausflug


BESICHTIGUNG: laut Reiseroute


ABHOLPUNKT: Hafen von Alexandria


Abholzeit: etwa


RÜCKKEHR: Hafen von Alexandria


Allgemeine Information:




Alle unsere Reiseführer sind erfahrene Ägyptologen mit mindestens 5 Jahren Erfahrung.




Alle unsere Fahrzeuge sind modern, klimatisiert




Um die Buchung zu sichern, ist eine 25 % Anzahlung des Reisepreises fällig, dieses kann online per Kreditkarte, Visa und Master oder Banküberweisung erfolgen


Der Restbetrag von 75 % ist vor Antritt des Ausfluges am Reisetag zu zahlen und kann mit Kreditkarten oder Bargeld bezahlt werden


Die Buchung Ihrer Reise gilt als abgeschlossen und von Ihrem Reiseveranstalter bestätigt, sobald wir die Anzahlung von 25 % erhalten haben




Kinder bis 2 Jahre gratis (außer Flugausflüge)


Kinder von 2 bis 5 Jahren erhalten 50 % Rabatt


Kinder von 6 bis 11 Jahren erhalten 35 % Rabatt


Kinder ab 12 Jahre alt gelten als erwachsene Person


Signature Trips to Egypt

egypt tours

If you’re looking for a more mainstream trip to Egypt, you may be interested in signature trips. These are characterized by small groups and comfortable hotels, but they don’t include all admissions or meals. They also typically require overnight train travel to reach the various destinations. Unlike the classic tour packages, however, signature trips aren’t necessarily more expensive. Rather, they offer a wide range of benefits for the traveler.

Look at Egypt Tours

Looking for information on Look at Egypt Tours? You’ve come to the right place. Our company has extensive experience organizing tours for tourists to Egypt. From group tours to individual vacations, we have curated the best travel experiences for people of all backgrounds. We combine our years of collaboration with hotels, airlines, and other tourist facilities to bring you the most comprehensive, customized, and personalized tours. Our tours fit the most popular travel destinations and preferences.

Memphis Tours

Before you visit Cairo, you should check out the Memphis Tours in Egypt. This ancient city ruled supreme in the ancient world and was built by the quasi-mythical king Menes in 2925 B.C. You can explore the city’s scattered ruins, including stone temples, lingering statues, and mud-brick necropolises. The site also features a giant alabaster sphinx that sat guard at the Temple of Ptah.

Four Seasons Cairo

When you are looking for a luxurious hotel in Cairo, consider staying at the Four Seasons Cairo at the First Residence. This luxury hotel is located on the Nile River on the western bank of the country. The Four Seasons’ first foray into Egypt was completed almost 20 years ago. The hotel offers guests a wide range of services and amenities, including its own restaurant, a rooftop bar, and a spa.

Four Seasons Aswan

The stunning Nile River cruise that departs from the Four Seasons Aswan is a highlight of any Egypt tour. While you’re in the region, you’ll visit the city’s landmarks, including the Luxor Temple, the Great Pyramids, and the ancient ruins of Abu Simbel. The Nile cruise will take you past the ancient monuments of Abu Simbel and Kom Ombo, as well as the garden of the Unfinished Obelisk in Aswan Quarry.

Four Seasons Luxor

The Four Seasons Luxor is an Egyptian luxury hotel with a distinctive European flair. Its first residence overlooks the Nile, and features a health club, spa, and tea lounge. Guests can dine on Egyptian fare or enjoy a meal in the casino, which accepts only U.S. dollars. This hotel is also home to a famous Chinese restaurant. It has recently undergone a major renovation.

Nile River dream tour

For people who have not yet experienced the river, a Nile River dream tour is a great idea. This tour is a four-day package that includes accommodation, meals and transportation. The expert guide, Khaled El Saady, helps you to negotiate the best deals. He is a highly experienced tour guide and will help you find the best value on your river cruise. He also speaks English, German and French.


Day Trips From Hurghada

If you are looking for day trips from Hurghada, you can choose between two popular destinations: Luxor and Aswan. You can also choose between an excursion to the Giftun Islands and the Luxor Pyramids. Below are a few tips for choosing the best excursion from Hurghada. Read on to learn more. And don’t forget to ask us about our cheap prices and great customer service.

Luxor day trip

If you’re looking for an exciting day trip from Hurghada, Egypt, you’ll want to plan a stop at Luxor, a city of ancient pharaohs and palaces. More than a third of the world’s antiquities are in Luxor, a city filled with stunning temples and palaces. On a Luxor day trip from Hurghada, you’ll see the Valley of the Kings, the Hatshepsuit Temple, and the Colossi of Memnon. You’ll also have the opportunity to visit the Luxor Museum and learn about the life of ancient Egyptians.

Aswan day trip

If you haven’t been to Aswan, a day trip to the Egyptian city is an excellent idea. The Aswan High Dam, built in 1902, was raised twice, and controls floods. It generates power and is also Egypt’s finest source of granite stone. The ancient Egyptians mined it to create statues and other ancient monuments. Guests can enjoy a guided tour in English.

Giftun Islands tour

A snorkeling and diving excursion to the Giftun Islands is an excellent way to experience the best of the Red Sea. You’ll see dolphins and the coral reef from the comfort of a private island, and you can explore the underwater world as well. A Giftun Islands snorkeling tour departs from Hurghada and includes pick-up from your hotel and transport to the boat. You can expect a delicious buffet lunch and safety instructions from your tour guide, as well as a return trip to Hurghada.

Luxor Pyramids tour

The first stop on any Luxor Pyramids tour from Hurghads is the famous Karnak Temple. This temple dates back to more than 4000 B.C. and is considered the world’s largest man-made temple. From the Karnak Temple, you can visit the Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut temple, and original papyrus museums. While you’re in Luxor, you can even visit an alabaster stone factory. The whole day is full of fascinating things to do in Luxor.

Luxor Temple tour

If you’re interested in seeing the magnificent Luxor Temples, you should take a tour of this ancient city from Hurghada. You can choose a private or group tour, which allows you to spend more time at each site. You can also make changes to your itinerary if you prefer. Your tour will also include the original papyrus institutes and alabaster factories. After completing your visit, you’ll be driven back to Hurghada.

Karnak temple tour

The Karnak temple complex is an outstanding archaeological site. The largest place of worship ever built is located here. Built more than two thousand years ago, the complex contains 63 royal tombs. The “Hypostyle Hall” is the most impressive of them all, and it contains three giant pillars. Its massive structure was an impressive feat of engineering. The tour of Karnak will provide you with an unparalleled view of the region’s past.


Hurghada Excursions

hurghada excursions

Scuba diving is a popular activity for hurghada excursions. If you don’t have time to dive, you can enjoy a visit to water parks or aquariums. There are also Turkish baths to enjoy. Whether you want to enjoy the Egyptian culture or relax in the sun, hurghada has something for everyone. Here are some ideas for your next excursion. The following is a list of the top Hurghada excursions.

Scuba diving in hurghada excursions

The scuba diving in Hurghada excursions can be very diverse, with a wide range of species. The waters are full of exotic marine life, including white tipped sharks and dolphins. You may even be able to spot dolphins in the second dive site. In addition, the tour will include transportation back to your hotel in Hurghada. Daytrip excursions are available on most days of the week.

You’ll be picked up from your hotel and taken to a diving site where you’ll get a personal briefing by a professional instructor. You’ll have one dive site in the morning, followed by a second dive in the afternoon. You’ll also have lunch on the boat, and you can arrange additional activities for a fee. There’s also a charge for private guides, which you can arrange on arrival.

Visits to aquariums

Among the popular tourist attractions in Hurghada, the Complex Grand Aquarium is a must-visit. This unique attraction combines a zoo of exotic animals and a suspension bridge and mini-labyrinth to create a fascinating tourist destination. A visit to this aquarium is an excellent opportunity to learn about conservation and its importance. You can also meet local conservationists and participate in educational activities that promote awareness about conservation.

The Hurghada Aquarium is one of the world’s largest indoor habitats and contains more than 100 different species of colorful fish. The aquarium’s galleries are made up of over one million gallons of fresh and salt water, making it a fantastic educational facility while in Hurghada. Kids of all ages will find this excursion a great way to learn about the different animals and get a glimpse of some of their favorite creatures.

Visits to water parks

If you are looking for fun in the sun, then a visit to the water parks in Hurghada is on your itinerary. You can spend a day exploring the water parks and the Giza Pyramids, which are both world wonders. These tours are offered for free and last about three hours, and they also include private tour guides and a round-trip transfer from your Hurghada hotel. There are 38 slides to choose from, as well as 14 different swimming pools. There are heated pools and a buffet lunch that will keep you satisfied.

The Jungle Aqua Park is one of the most popular water parks in Hurghada, Egypt, and is a popular attraction for young and old alike. This resort features over 35 slides and several swimming pools, including a wave pool. The park is located within an eco-friendly resort and includes a mini club for children. There are also numerous attractions and games for adults. It also has a spa and bars that make it the perfect place to spend an afternoon.

Visits to Turkish baths

The Visits to Turkish baths during Hurghade excursions offer a unique experience that can help relieve physical suffering. Often called the “Egyptian Spa”, these relaxing treatments involve sitting under hot steam and air while receiving a massage. The results of this unique experience will make you feel renewed and rejuvenated. The trip can be booked from many hotel in Hurghada, including Makadi Bay, El Gouna, and Safaga.

To experience this relaxing therapy, you can opt for a package that includes pick-up from your hotel and a full-body peel. The process will leave your skin soft and supple, with the appearance of a baby’s skin. Once you have completed the whole process, you can relax in a Jacuzzi or sauna and unwind. After a day of relaxing, you can go out for a delicious lunch, a trip to the market, or a leisurely stroll.


Tips For Successful Tours of Egypt

tours of egypt

When planning your tour of Egypt, there are many things to consider. Choosing the right tour company is essential to ensure that your trip is as memorable and safe as possible. This article will cover travel restrictions in Egypt, a boat cruise on the Nile, and visiting pharaonic monuments. In addition, you will learn about what to wear and what not to do while in Egypt. Read on for some tips to make your trip a success!

Choosing a tour company

If you’re looking to take a trip to Egypt, it’s important to find a reputable tour company. This article will discuss factors you should consider before booking a tour. First, determine your physical health. You’ll need to consider how much time you can spend traveling, as well as how much rest you’ll need during the flight. Also, remember that most tours include some shopping, so you should limit your spending to essentials.

Travel restrictions in Egypt

To visit Egypt, you must have the right travel documents. Before you depart, check the regulations on entry and quarantine. If you’re travelling with children, you may need to follow strict rules about vaccination. You also must have a health certificate from the Egyptian Ministry of Health, with a logo on it. You’ll also need to follow local self-isolation guidelines if you’re not sure if you’re eligible for any exemptions.

Visiting pharaonic monuments

Visiting pharaonic monuments on a tour of Egypt is an unforgettable experience. The Pyramids of Giza, the Valley of the Kings, and the Temple of Horus all stand as a testament to Egypt’s past and present. The Temple of Horus is Egypt’s largest pharaonic monument and represents one of the last monumental temples constructed on a large scale. Visitors can see temples from the New Kingdom, including the great pharaoh Seti’s Temple. There are sanctuaries, chapels, and shrines that can be visited, as well as exquisite bas-reliefs depicting scenes from the life of Seti.

Visiting the Nile on a boat

There are several different types of boats on the river. Most small ships sail on the Nile. You can also opt to spend a day on a felucca or dahabiya. Most of these cruises will include entrance tickets to attractions such as the Karnak Temple, the Edfu Temple, and the Pyramids. A small number of them also include optional activities such as quad bike safaris by the Pyramids and camel rides.

Visiting Aswan

Visiting Aswan on a tour of Africa is a great idea if you’ve just completed a Nile cruise and want to see the sights along the way. It’s a quieter river town than Luxor and is a great place to relax after a busy Nile cruise. While there are plenty of attractions in Aswan, you’ll want to visit Ramses II’s temples at Abu Simbel, as well as the ruins of the Temple of Philae complex.


Top Attractions on Egypt Tours Packages

egypt tours packages

There are many reasons to visit Egypt. Not only is the country beautiful and ancient, but the sights and sounds of the region are unforgettable. Here are the top attractions you can expect on an Egypt tour package. These include the Sphinx, the Valley of the Kings, and the ancient temples of Aswan. You may also want to take a Nile River cruise, or just relax on the beach while watching the world go by.

Visiting the Sphinx

Visiting the Great Sphinx in Giza is one of the highlights of your trip to Egypt. This massive sculpture stands 66 feet tall and is 234 feet long. Its face resembles both a lion and a pharaoh, but it is unclear who it was modeled after. You can also visit two temples close to the Great Sphinx. If you’re lucky enough to have enough time, you can take a guided tour of this monument.

Visiting the Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings, located in Luxor, is one of Egypt’s most important archeological sites. Developed between the 16th and 11th centuries BC, this site was home to the tombs of Egypt’s pharaohs. The tombs are divided into two main valleys, the East Valley and the West Valley. During the New Kingdom, the Valley of the Kings was home to the tombs of pharaohs, kings, and lesser nobles. It was one of the few places in Egypt that was used to inter pharaohs and nobles. Egypt tours to the Valley of the Kings will allow you to explore this unique site.

Visiting Khan el-Khalili

One of the top Cairo attractions, Khan el-Khalili is a world-renowned souq and bazaar. The area was originally a trading center during the Mamluk era, when it was named after the historic caravanserais that were used for transportation. Over the years, the souq and bazaar have become one of the most popular places to visit in Cairo, both for Egyptians and tourists.

Nile River cruise

Some of the Nile River cruise Egypt tours packages include a short stay in Cairo. During this time, you can explore the Islamic and Coptic quarters, as well as enjoy a tour of the Valley of Kings and Queens. Then, embark on a Nile cruise to visit ancient temples and tombs. Your Nile river cruise will take you to the Pyramids and other famous sites. After lunch or dinner, relax on board your Nile cruise and enjoy the scenery.

Taking a tour of Cairo

If you want to take a tour of Cairo, you should consider booking a package tour. Egypt tours can be customized to suit your preferences, whether you want to visit the most historic attractions or spend more time in the desert. In addition to that, they can help you save money because they cover all of the different places in Egypt. The following are some benefits of Egypt tour packages. They can help you decide which one to book.

Hotels in Cairo

Guests looking for luxury and opulence can enjoy an all-inclusive stay at the Four Seasons Hotel Cairo. This hotel has an outdoor pool, a hot tub, and spa treatments. Its location is convenient for visiting the Pyramids, the First Mall, and the Giza Zoo. The hotel has a 24-hour reception and offers concierge services. It also has a restaurant serving Mediterranean fare.

Traveling by land

If you are traveling to Egypt on a land tour package, you will enjoy the countless ancient ruins and temples you will see. Travelers will be accompanied by an Egyptologist throughout their trip. The ruins of Memphis, a 5,000-year-old city, will leave you breathless. You will also have the chance to see the famous step pyramid of Djoser, which is one of the oldest stone-cut buildings in history. The Bent Pyramid, which is the first attempt at a flat-sided pyramid, and the Red Pyramid, which is the world’s first open-air museum, are also worth a visit.


What Are the Best Excursions in Hurghada?

excursions in hurghada

If you are planning to visit Hurghada, you may be wondering which excursions are best. The town is famous for its scuba diving, and a variety of dive shops can be found in the city’s El Dahar district. There are also plenty of traditional souks and cafes in the city, as well as a long beach lined with resort hotels. There is something for everyone in Hurghada.


If you are not a certified diver, Diving excursions in Hurghada are a great way to see the underwater world without having to leave the city. These excursions will take you out to the best dive sites in the Red Sea, and you’ll have a blast! You’ll also get to enjoy lunch and soft drinks on board, which is included in the price. You’ll have a chance to relax and enjoy the sights while being transported to your next dive site.


If you’re a snorkeler, you’ve probably heard about the amazing Red Sea. The area surrounding the Red Sea is full of colorful fish and different types of coral. There are also some incredible dive sites to see, including the famous Abu Dabab beach. This bay is one of the few places on earth where you can see the endangered Dugong, also known as the Sea Cow. While you’re here, you’ll also likely see turtles.

Beach excursions

If you’re looking for some fun in the sun while staying in Hurghada, why not take some beach excursions? In addition to the more popular Nile Cruise, there are several other activities to enjoy during your vacation. Giftun Island, a small cluster of islands offshore from Hurghada, is a wonderful destination for water sports, hiking, and snorkeling. It is also a great place to experience astronomical night tours.

Boat trips

A private boat excursion is an excellent choice for a vacation in Hurghada. The Luxury Sailing Boat departs from the Hurghada Marina and cruises to the underwater Coral Reef Islands of the Red Sea. On board, enjoy a lavish seafood buffet or a buffet lunch. Once you’ve reached the coral reefs, you’ll be able to explore the fascinating alien habitat beneath the sea.

Museum of aquatic life

If you’re traveling to Egypt, you’ll want to spend a few hours at the Museum of Aquatic Life in Hurghada. It’s a huge aquarium that features a variety of aquatic life. There are even places for children to explore and observe the various species. The museum is located right in the city center and is easily accessible by public transportation. Families will love this place, which offers many opportunities to take pictures and relax.

Fish market

Taking a Fish market excursion in Hurghada is an excellent way to get to know this part of the Egyptian resort town. The tour starts from Giftun Island, an old neighborhood of Hurghada. On your way to the Fish Market, you will drive past the Sheraton Hotel, the waterfront promenade, and the city’s old market. You will also see the local shops and stalls.


Excursions From Hurghada

excursions from hurghada

If you’re planning a trip to Egypt, you’ll likely be looking for excursions from Hurghada. This beach resort town is renowned for scuba diving, and there are many dive shops in the Sekalla district. There are also a lot of bars and traditional Egyptian souks to explore. There are a number of attractions in Hurghada, including a long stretch of sand lined with resort hotels.

Beach excursions

A variety of shore excursions are offered from Hurghada. Most are ashore and do not require sea vehicles. Examples of shore excursions are trips to Abu Dabab and Sharm El Naga. There are also boat excursions available, which get tourists out to the open sea and some of the islands. Some examples of these excursions include Giftun Island and Utopia Island. If you do not mind the water, these excursions will be fun and educational.

Boat trips

There are numerous types of boat trips available in Hurghada. There are shore excursions that don’t require you to travel by sea vehicle, which is great for families. Other boat trips take you out to open water and to some of the nearby islands, such as Giftun and Abu Mingar. If you’re looking for something a bit different, try a private boat excursion. This is a unique opportunity that’s sure to make a memorable vacation for the whole family.

Quad bike tours

If you are looking for a thrilling way to get out in the desert, there are some amazing quad bike tours from Hurghada that will do just that. A quad bike tour will start at the quad bike station in Hurghada, where you can also pick up and drop off your guests at the end of the tour. VIP Transfers will pick you up and drop you off at your hotel and cover all the expenses of the tour, including taxes and entrance fees.

Day trips to Luxor

If you’re interested in exploring the ancient Egyptian wonders, a day trip from Hurghada to Luxor is a great way to see the city. The trip can last around five hours, and you can choose to stay overnight in Luxor if you like. You can also shorten the trip to 120 minutes by taking a private bus instead of a shared shuttle. You can customize the trip to suit your needs and budget.

Trips to Aswan

A trip to Aswan is an excellent choice for travelers interested in Egypt’s history, culture, and landscape. This ancient city sits on the banks of the Nile, and is home to numerous archaeological wonders. Highlights of an Aswan tour include the Temple of Philae, dedicated to the goddess Isis. Another highlight of an Aswan tour is a trip on a felucca to take in the breathtaking views of the city. Afterward, you can visit the Botanical Garden and the Agha Khan Mausoleum. There are some free days in Hurghada to explore as you choose, but a trip to Aswan will leave you breathless.


Taking a Tour of Egypt

tours of egypt

If you’re thinking about taking a tour of Egypt, there are a number of options. You can visit Cairo and see the Pyramids or travel around the country on a small-group tour. The friendly planet company is a good choice for a small-group tour because they’re inexpensive and have the same tour manager and guides on all of their trips. The hotels are of good quality and there are few hassles. Friendly Planet can even pre-purchase your Egypt visa, so you’ll arrive without hassle.

Beyond the Nile Tours

If you are interested in traveling to Egypt, you may want to look into Beyond the Nile Tours. These tours are run by local guides who have extensive cultural and historical knowledge of the country. Their tours vary in length from eight to two weeks, depending on your budget and time. You can even choose to take a hot-air balloon over the Pyramids. You will be able to experience the wonder of the Great Pyramid of Giza and its surrounding landscape.

Memphis Tours

For a fascinating tour in Egypt, choose Memphis Tours of Cairo. They offer the utmost convenience for travelers. You will be picked up from the port of Alexandria by a representative holding a sign with your name on it. The trip takes three hours and includes a rest stop in the middle. Your representative will guide you to the Pyramids of Cheops and the Great Sphinx, which date back to the times of Chephren. They will also show you the Valley Temple.

On the Go Tours

On the Go Tours of Egypt offers a wide range of tour packages for your Egypt vacation. Choose from a variety of activities, such as sightseeing, scuba diving and snorkeling, and more. The company also offers festival tours, which are timed to coincide with King Ramses’ Sun Festival or the annual Abu Simbel Rose Festival. Most of their tour packages last ten days and cost from $1,600 to $2,800 USD per person. For more family-friendly tours, consider booking your tour with a smaller company like Jakada Tours. They offer group tours as well as private tours, and focus on budget travel for the middle class.

Viking River Cruises

The 82-guest Viking Osiris will debut in August 2022 on the Nile, joining the award-winning Viking Ra on the river. This river ship will be sailing on the 12-day “Pharaohs & Pyramids” itinerary. It will be built specifically for this itinerary, and its arrival will coincide with key events in Egypt in 2022, including the 100th anniversary of King Tutankhamen’s tomb.

Friendly Planet

Traveling to Egypt can be very exciting. This ancient land is home to famous pyramids and Biblical landmarks. It is one of the oldest civilizations on earth. The best way to get the most out of your trip to Egypt is by joining one of Friendly Planet tours. These tours are run by professional tour guides who are very proud of their country. Some suggest tipping them for good service, but that’s up to you. If you feel the service was less than stellar, don’t tip at all.


Excursions From Hurghada

excursions from hurghada

You’re on vacation in Egypt, so you’ve probably wondered what sorts of excursions from Hurghada are available. Here’s a look at Luxor, Scuba diving, and off-road safaris. You’ll also learn about visiting a Bedouin village. In addition to these activities, there are many more that you can choose from when you stay in Hurghada. Just be sure to read the reviews on each to see which ones are most enjoyable for you!

Luxor is a popular day trip from Hurghada

If you want to see ancient monuments, then a day trip to Luxor is a good option. You will get to see the most important monuments of this great city and learn about the history and culture of Egypt. The day trip to Luxor from Hurghada includes a private A/C vehicle and English-speaking guide. You will also have the chance to visit the famous Karnak temple, which was built more than four thousand years ago. This temple is dedicated to the ‘Theban triad’ – Khnsou, Mut and Amun.

Luxor is a popular day trip from the Hurghada area. It is located on the east bank of the River Nile, about 500 kilometers south of Cairo and 290 km southwest of Hurghada. Although there are many ways to reach Luxor from Hurghada, a guided tour is most convenient and economical. There are also private car transfers from Hurghada to Luxor. During the trip, it is a good idea to hire a professional guide for more information and advice.

Scuba diving

Scuba diving in Hurghada offers excellent conditions for both beginners and experts, as there is a range of sites to visit. You can book a scuba diving excursion in advance or simply jump on a day trip when you arrive. Onboard lunch is provided and you can choose to spend the day swimming or snorkeling, or you can go scuba diving and snorkel at the same time.

A scuba diving excursion in Hurghada will last all day. Your guide will explain the program and equip you with all of the necessary equipment. You’ll have the option of selecting two dive sites, or you can go on three dives if you’d like. On most tours, you’ll dive twice each day – the first one is a guided dive and the second one is optional.

Off-road safaris

If you love off-roading and want to explore the desert, you might want to try a 4×4 desert safari from Hurghada. This tour starts from your Hurghada hotel and begins with a ride in an air-conditioned vehicle to the quad bike station. You’ll be given a safety briefing and instructions on how to operate the controls before you get underway on the quad bikes. Then, it’s time to experience the thrill of riding a quad bike on the sands!

Off-road safaris from Hurghadda are the perfect way to discover the stunning landscapes of the Egyptian desert. Jeep safaris are a fun way to see the desert from a different perspective. You can choose between single or double seater buggies, and you can even experience a Bedouin dance and water pipe performance. Afterwards, relax with a traditional Egyptian dinner and shisha, and enjoy the spectacular scenery.

Visiting a Bedouin village

For a unique experience in the desert, visit a Bedouin village in Hurghada. Enjoy a camel ride, traditional Bedouin hospitality, and delicious Arabic tea. In the evening, you can enjoy a barbecue dinner while watching the desert sunset. The Bedouins will share stories and customs with you. You can also take a traditional show and smoke a hookah.

The tour begins with a pickup from your hotel. Then, head to the desert for a quad bike experience, an hour-long camel ride, and dinner among the Bedouins. If time permits, you can experience a traditional Arabian night, including an authentic Arabian feast with a live show. The trip ends with a transfer back to your Hurghada hotel.